Hĺbkové zakladanie
Vrtané piloty, piloty CFA a pilotové podzemné steny
Construction methods for bored pile vary considerably:
Sometimes it is possible to bore open-hole in the dry if the soil conditions permit.
The method chosen depend on a number of factors including ground conditions, depth and the equipment available:
The diameters of the drilled piles commonly range from 300 mm to 3 m or more with use special drills.
Depths of 100 m are also becoming relatively common for inland sites.
Enlarged pile bases are formed using mechanical or hydraulic under ream tools to construct base diameters of up to 4.5 m.
Bored piles are usually of reinforced cast-in-situ concrete. The reinforcement can also be a precast concrete section or a steel section to build retaining wall such as soldier pile walls or as pre-founded (plunge) columns.
Except under very specific conditions, concrete is placed in the wet, using a tremie tube which is either:
The compressive strength of the concrete is usually between C20/25 and C30/37 (cylinder/cube)
The design is of Eurocode Standards. The geotechnical design is following:
The execution is following STN EN 1536: Execution of special geotechnical work. Bored piles.
The usual request of clients and designers are non-destructive Pile integrity test (PIT) and Load testing.
Load testing for deep foundation can be divided into static tests and dynamic tests: